Monday, June 16, 2008

Economic analysis of Buckhorn Village is flawed

The Orange County planning board determined (7-2) last week that the economic analysis of the proposed Buckhorn Village near Mebane and prepared by a consultant to the county commissioners is "seriously flawed." Take a look at the article printed in the Chapel Hill News regarding the issue.

James Carnahan, member and chair of the Village Project, commented on the project on May 28:
"With gas selling near $4 a gallon and increasing global demand presaging no relief whatsoever, their prescription that Orange County should rely on interstate automobile traffic for economic security is desperately naive. If gas cost $6 a gallon when Buckhorn opens its doors, would today’s revenue projections still apply?"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Walkable Hillsborough Day - June 7

Join other pedestrians and cyclists in "Taking Steps to Connect" Hillsborough on June 7 in the 7th Annual Walkable Hillsborough Day, an event to celebrate National Trails Day.

The event, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Old Courthouse in downtown Hillsborough, will include two bike rides this year along with three guided walks of varying lengths and exertion. At the courthouse at 10:30 a.m., there will be activities, prizes and refreshments. Information from various organizations - such as the Eno River Association, Audubon Society and Special Transit Advisory Commission - also will be on display.

See the Walkable Hillsborough website for more details.