Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Orange County Comprehensive Plan Coalition

Orange County has begun to update its Comprehensive Plan for the first time in 25 years. The update will be the key document that county government and the commissioners will use to make decisions about land use, transportation, housing, economic development, environmental protection and other critical issues.

Because Orange County is at a critical crossroads economically, socially, and environmentally, a diverse coalition of community stakeholders have come together to create and endorse a vision statement and a set of goals and objectives for Orange County's Comprehensive Plan Update that brings together these principles in a way that truly promotes a sustainable future for our county.

The Village Project would like to thank the Strowd Roses Foundation for its generous grant that is helping to make our work on the Orange County Comprehensive Plan possible. To read more about the coalition, see our new brochure and the Coalition website at

The coalition believes sustainability is achieved when stakeholders representing diverse interests work together cooperatively to assure a healthy balance among interdependent social, environmental and economic priorities. Therefore we encourage county residents and other stakeholders to join the coalition and to participate in the update process. For a list of upcoming public participation opportunities, click here.

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